APDAY – Building a more sustainable humanity

Building a more sustainable humanity

On June 28, at the Palma Convention Centre, Estel collaborated in the most relevant business event on sustainability in the Islands, which had more than 600 managers dedicated to taking care of people and our environment.


The event focussed on sustainability, people and innovation. It brought together a series of presentations represented by the founder of Ecoalf, Javier Goyeneche; the producer and film director, Miguel Ángel Tobías; the philosopher, professor at the Ramon Llull University and theologian, Francesc Torralba, and the orchestra director, Ramón Torrelledó.


During the round tables, emphasis was placed on “the power of organisations to change the planet through levers of change that bet on sustainability and innovation.” Ramón Torrelledó also stated that “there are many people with high abilities who do not manage to consummate talent, because there are a series of steps to develop those skills without which talent is not made.”


The Apday symbolised two fundamental values for society: human rights and respect for the environment. Achieving the reflection of the attendees on the footprint we leave in the environment and in the people around us.


From Estel we want to congratulate APD for its great work, we are very happy to be part of this initiative that is so related to the values of our company. We have a common goal, to make this world a better place for future generations.







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