Estel Ingeniería y Obras as a source of inspiration, success and reflection of dynamism in Europe. These three characteristics have led to our company being listed as one of companies on the prestigious list of business excellence Ones to Watch published by the European Business Awards 2019 (EBA), the largest business competition in Europe. This recognition makes us feel especially proud of our work and our team, but above all it pushes us to take on – with even more enthusiasm, if possible – new challenges that serve as an inspiration to the European business community.

The recognition means that Estel has the privilege of being one of hundred domestic companies chosen to represent Spain in this important event, aiming to identify the best businesses in 33 European countries. The companies on the list stand out for their exceptional achievements in one of the 18 categories included, as well as for reflecting the values innovation, success and ethics as listed in the program. Estel was part of this group in 2012 as well.

The European Business Awards, first convened in 2007, is one of the largest multisectoral and cross-border business competitions worldwide. Among its sponsors are Inflexion, Germany Trade & Invest and PR Newswire. The intention of the contest goes beyond rewarding innovation, success and ethical entrepreneurship, as the EBA also seek to recognise business efforts when dealing with issues such as unemployment, climate change and conflict.

So, in the words of its CEO Adrian Tripp, it is about “recognising those responsible for changing the rules of the game: the successful companies that look beyond their own desks to make a difference in the world”. The objective is to develop a more successful and more ethical business community to solve problems that are ultimately global.

The companies on the Ones to Watch list are fundamentally characterised by their good work, their diversity in size and their origin: from the agricultural sector and retail trade to the technology and construction sectors (such as in the case of  Estel, a leading company in the execution of integral projects). The businesses compete to win one of the 18 categories that make up the contest and become a national winner (one per category) and, if applicable, participate in the final gala (December 2019) where the European winners will be announced.

It is an honour for our team to have passed the first stage of the European Business Awards 2019 thanks to our efforts, policy and values. We will keep working on strengthening our role as a benchmark for success for other European companies.

Estel: awards and recognitions

Providing integral services in the execution of installations, Estel has established itself as a leading company in the sector at a national and an international level. This is demonstrated by the awards granted by the European Business Awards in 2012 and 2019, as well as other awards received during a professional history of more than 20 years. Among the most notable are:

  • CAEB Award for Business Innovation (finalists) – 2014
  • CAEB Award for Good Business Practices in PRL – 2012
  • CAEB Award for Good Business Practices concerning the Environment – 2012
  • Expansion award for 20 success stories during the last 20 years on the Balearic Islands – 2007
  • Entrepreneur of the Year Award (awarded to Antonio Ballester, CEO of Estel) – 2001

Each and every award encourages us to keep growing, improve our work and provide responsible solutions, always adjusted to the real needs of our customers.

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