The cogeneration system plays a leading role in projects undertaken by Estel Ingeniería y Obras as part of our commitment to reconcile business and sustainability. Its high energy efficiency is a key factor to save energy, reduce greenhouse gasses and GHG emissions and to make significant savings. With an eye on environmental benefits, our current multidisciplinary team is a leader in the development of cogeneration plants, contributing to sustainable development on our planet in this area.

Broadly speaking, the main characteristic of the system is generating electricity and useful heat through one single process of primary energy consumption. This combined production is 30% more efficient than conventional generation, mainly as a result of its higher performance which in turn is due to the benefits of distributed generation and reuse of waste energy. Using this solution, consumption of fuel for energy is reduced by half.

This way, the cogeneration plant produces electricity and heat at the same time within the industry itself. It consumes what it needs, and the surplus is poured into the network to be used, mainly in the primary environment. A shop or a house would have the same setup. The conventional way is to have heat produced in a boiler and electricity in a power plant far from the point of consumption (with consequent losses related to transport and distribution).

With the cogeneration energy solution, electricity is generated at the place of consumption or in a primary environment, which means that the supply is not exposed to failures related to transport and distribution. At the same time, it eliminates costs for deployment and maintenance.

The main advantages of cogeneration, with benefits for the environment as well as for the citizen, are the following:

  • Energy efficiency and high yields
  • Quality and safety in the power supply (reducing energy dependence)
  • Distributed generation, with an independent main network and no transport losses
  • High operational availability (also in stand-alone systems)
  • Industrial competitiveness (its efficiency enhances economic growth and employment)
  • Respect for the environment, linked to the reduction in energy consumption and the use of cleaner fuels

In this last sense it is worth highlighting the role of cogeneration in the fight against climate change. According to the Spanish Cogeneration Association, it saves 1,500,000 toe/year in primary energy and 40 million cubic metres of water, and annually avoids the emission of 7 million tonnes of CO2.

At Estel we always work in line with sustainable models and environmental responsibility. Our team specialised in the execution of integral projects covers the areas  engineering, facilities and maintenance from an environmentally responsible perspective. That is why we direct all our efforts towards responsible projects, investing in efficiency and our clients’ well-being as fundamental values. Cogeneration and use of renewable energies are a good example of this.

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