Estel Ingeniería y Obras was present at the 11th Positive Business People Meeting on the 17th of October, organised by Onda Cero and CaixaBank to analyse the global economic situation. Antonio Ballester, CEO of the leading company in the execution of integral installations in Spain and internationally, shared the stage with a healthy representation of the business network on the islands. During the meeting, participants addressed the uncertainty of the current landscape and discussed the need to take advantage of technological changes in a positive way.

The event took place at the CaixaForum in Palma and highlighted the importance of facing the future with confidence at a time when most economists warn about a new period of economic upheaval in Spain. This scenario could get even worse on the Balearic Islands following the crisis of British tour operator Thomas Cook, as a third of the Balearic economy is based on the tourism industry. However, participants insisted that the situation can be reversed by establishing new roles among the agents involved and, above all, knowing how to take advantage of resources in an era of global technology.

The main presentation of the event was held by renowned economist José Carlos Díez, who delved into Mallorca’s situation on a global level and in the context that the islands will face in the coming years. Prior to that, Antonio Ballester and other representatives of Balearic businesses (Francisco Martorell, president of ASIMA and vice president of CAEB, Pedro Miñano, manager of Nissan Nigorra Baleares, and Toni Molina, director of Tiendas Beds in the Balearics) had shared their experience and their vision on economic indicators and progress at a round table.

Estel Ingeniería y Obras participated directly in the event and was also one of the sponsors of the business meeting, showing its support for initiatives that promote an exchange of knowledge and positive messages as one of the keys to recovery.

Estel’s analysis of the current economic situation

During his speech, Ballester reviewed the general economic situation and how it is reflected both in Estel’s reality and that of other Mallorcan companies. Among other issues, the head of the company referred to the environmental crisis, Trump’s policies in Mexico and the insecurity faced by organisations based in Mexico (Estel, with an extensive network of subsidiaries, has an office in the area).

Ballester also recalled that innovation and technology are two of the main hallmarks that the brand features in its different locations, and one of the great assets that make it a world reference in projects involving integral installations.

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