Our company specialises in the execution of comprehensive construction and installation projects and has again participated in the deserved recognition that the newspaper Diario de Mallorca presents to individuals and entities that stand out for their  contribution to Mallorcan society. As one of the sponsors of the event,  Estel Ingeniería y Obras was present to pay tribute to eight professionals chosen based on their careers in the areas of research, environment, social action, music, sports, tourism, business and literature.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the winners for their efforts to enrich our society, looking towards the future without losing sight of our true nature.

An outstanding team of five women and three men

The Diario de Mallorca Awards were presented on June 26 in an emotional ceremony organised by the newspaper club. Representing Estel was Pau Ginart, Director of International Development for ESTEL Ingeniería y Obras, who also presented the award in the environmental category to the Som Energía energy cooperative. 

The winners of the 2019 edition were the following:

  • Gabriel Sampol (Entrepreneurial Career Award): president of the multinational company Sampol, founded in 1934 and currently present in Europe, America and Africa. The group has more than 1,500 employees and an annual turnover of 150 million. Its activities are focused on the sectors transport infrastructure, generation and distribution of energy, industrial facilities, hotels, unique buildings and telecommunication infrastructure. Some of their most well-known projects are the airport Madrid Barajas Adolfo Suárez, the high-speed train to Mecca and the Panama Canal.
  • Toni Celià (Research Award): head of the junior group at the laboratory for cancer stem cell and metastasis properties in molecular cancer therapy (Cancer Program at the Hospital del Mar Institute of Medical Research in Barcelona). The young Mallorcan stands out for his contributions in the field of breast stem cell, cancer stem cell and metastatic colonisation research.
  • The RANA Foundation (Social Action Award): the RANA help network for abused children was founded in 2015 by the American Elizabeth Homberg to protect children against sexual abuse. Among other things, this NGO has closely followed the process of the parish priest in Can Picafort, excommunicated by the church after being denounced by three victims.
  • María Perelló (Sports Award): a young sailor from Palma who holds a double world champion title in the Optimist class. Last month she won the Spanish Optimist Cup, which took place in the bay of Cádiz. She held this title in 2017 and 2018 as well.
  • Antònia Vicent (Literature Award): a Mallorcan poet who won the National Poetry Prize in 2018 with her book Tots els Cavalls (All the Horses). Two years prior to that, she won the National Culture Award presented by the Generalitat.
  • Som Energia (Environment Award): this local group advocates renewable energy sources and has 2,500 members and 5,000 clients across the archipelago. It generates energy in photovoltaic plants on the peninsula and in a hydroelectric facility. Their goal is energy autonomy for the archipelago.
  • Grupo Piñero (Tourism Award): this company started with one establishment on the Balearic Islands in the 90s. These days they have more than 1,500 employees and 27 hotel complexes. It is a leading company in the sector on the Dominican Republic and has a turnover of more than 800 million euros.
  • Maika Makovski (Music Award): the muse of folk music started composing when she was only 12 years old and got up on stage when she was 14. The multi-faceted Mallorcan (half Macedonian and half Andalusian) presented the TV-program La hora Musa in RTVE’s channel 2 and has been credited with a Max por Forests, an award for best musical composition.

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