At Estel Engineering and Works we are involved both in the 10 fundamental principles promoted by the UN with the creation of the Global Compact, and in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  For this reason, since 2020 we have actively supported the Pact again, carrying out the Annual Report on the actions that we promote from Estel.

The policies that we apply at Estel have both an internal and external focus with the aim of favoring and guaranteeing the rights of workers, as well as full involvement in the conservation of the environment and designing systems that implicitly carry sustainable policies.

We see the involvement of companies in eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all as fundamental, therefore, we are firmly committed to the SDGs by collaborating with entities that act in social affairs and services, as well as in actions to care for the environment , focusing the business towards sustainability.

Within the framework of our commitment to sustainability and pollution reduction, at Estel, we have certified all our installation and maintenance activities according to the ISO 14001:2015 international standard for Environmental Management.

In recent years, we have followed this path by creating new lines focused on sustainability and environmental protection.

One of them, Estel Energy, is specialized in the production of renewable energies, such as photovoltaics, DHW, Cogeneration and trigeneration. On the other hand, with Estel Green we focus our efforts on betting on sustainable alternatives such as the production of green hydrogen, an optimal energy vector generated by renewable energies, which can be stored and used as necessary. The availability of the green hydrogen that we promote will facilitate the decarbonisation of the vehicle fleet and the energy transition from conventional technologies focused on natural gas, towards innovative technologies where green hydrogen can be gradually incorporated.

In the human field, at Estel we are firmly committed to the safety and health of our workers and safe working conditions to reduce the accident rate in the sector, which is why we also have the ISO 45001:2018 certification.

Finally, we consider ourselves a company firmly committed to the client and their requirements and we work continuously to ensure the control and improvement of our processes, as well as in the presentation of services with the best possible quality and attention, proof of this is our certification in ISO 9001:2015 since 2006.

For all this and much more, at Estel we firmly believe in the 10 principles of the Global Compact and in the Sustainable Development Goals set for the 2030 Agenda. We are convinced that the key to success for our planet and for humanity is involvement and contribution of the different entities in this matter.

Together we will achieve change.

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