BMS Building Managment System

BMS (Building Managment System): Turn your property into an intelligent building 

The world is evolving into an environment surrounded by technology where the constant demand of systems that make our day to day easier and give us greater comfort are on the rise.

In Estel Engeneering and Construction, we are aware of this change and we are betting on cutting edge technology that allows greater control, efficiency and sustainability.

That is why today we want to talk about the Building Management System (BMS), which allows for the automation and centralized control of the buildings in order to turn them into true intelligent buildings.

This Building Managment System is having a greater demand for both private and public buildings. On top of that, it is not necessary for the building to be a new construction in order for the installation to be feasible, as it is possible to upgrade an existing building turning it into an intelligent building through the later installation of the system.

How does the BMS work?

The BMS are computer-based systems that control and automate the mechanical, electrical and technological elements of the building, such as: air conditioning, lighting, consumtion motorization (electricity, gas and water), surveillance and fire-prevention systems, among others.

The BMS (Building Management System) is composed by Hardware (sensors, management centers, control consoles…) and Software (a group of programs with additional access from the cloud), which make possible a complete supervision and control of the installation and guarantee that the system is working properly in the building.

What are the advantages offered by the BMS?

The most remarkable advantages of the BMS are:

  • It allows centralized control and supervision of all the elements of the building. On top of that, it warns of any issue that has occured so that the operators know where the problem is and they can intervene in the most efficient manner possible.


  • By facilitating a quick incidence detection, it lessens the maintenance costs and thanks to the automation of the supervision tasks it improves personnel productivity.


  • It gives detailed consumption information encouraging energy efficiency.


  • Thanks to the management improvements, it increases the comfort and security of the buildings’ users.


  • It is just necessary a single supplier of installations and control, which allows savings on economies of scale.


And not just that, thanks to Big Data and artificial intelligence, we are working in order to achieve that a building is not just easier to mantain, but for it to be self sustainable.


In Estel we offer an integral service of installation of BMS.


We guarantee in all our installations the highest efficiency, more security, bigger savings and fewer issues.


We act with the highest speed, efficiency and compromise with our clients without leaving behind our responsibility to the environment.

We guarantee the highest reliability in all we do, we are specialists in all kinds of installations, and by contracting a single partner it is assured to have a reduction in costs and time of execution, as well as the highest quality in all out installations.

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